Ways in which USQ Library has contributed to partnerships for the goals

Australian university libraries work collaboratively and in partnership to develop innovative services and initiatives that support the student learning journey, research outcomes and community engagement. USQ Library actively participates in a number of local, national and international partnerships that are working towards the SDGs.
Industry partnerships
Clare Thorpe, Associate Director, Library Experience

USQ Library is an active member of the Open Textbook Network (OTN), Queensland+ University Libraries’ Office of Cooperation (QULOC), the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), VALA and the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG).
Collaborative arrangements
Lyndelle Gunton, Manager (Education Support)
USQ Library participates in the University Libraries of Australia and New Zealand borrowing scheme. The scheme is a cooperative arrangement that allows students and staff of any Australian or New Zealand university to borrow in person from any other participating university library. USQ Library is also a member of the CAUL Electronic Information Resources Consortium (CEIRC).