7 Conclusion
Susan Carter and Andersen, Cecily

In this text ‘Wellbeing in Educational Contexts’ we have encouraged readers to to look at what is occurring in your educational context, remembering that there are many ways to view the same picture, (e.g., seeing the joyous colours and expressions or the cleanup required after the painting) depending upon which lens is used and what assumptions unpin thinking and behaviour. We have endeavoured to synthesize some current research that links to educational contexts and make a new contribution to the field by presenting a model “Growing Inclusive Wellbeing” and possible templates that can help guide educational contexts to formulate their own wellbeing framework that is based upon evidence-based practice.
In chapter one we charted a possible way of meaning making through engaging with the text and prior knowledge. In chapter two we explored various theoretical conceptualisations of wellbeing using the guiding question: What is wellbeing? In chapter three we presented policy, frameworks and legislation that has informed the emphasis on wellbeing using the guiding question: How is wellbeing enacted? In chapter four we outlined possible impactors and enablers to wellbeing through the guiding question: How is wellbeing enhanced? In chapter five we explored ways of embedding an education wide focus on wellbeing using the guiding question: How is wellbeing enacted and embedded? In the final chapter we explored the ecological and contextual analysis of wellbeing in relation to a workplace wellbeing framework through the guiding question: How can wellbeing be enacted and promoted in my context? We also presented resources for use within educational contexts.
We sincerely hope that the material presented has been useful to readers in deepening their knowledge of wellbeing, and also in providing some guidance into how a wellbeing framework can be developed and embedded.