
13. Audiovisual material

In this chapter:
TV or radio
  • Indicate the format in square brackets (e.g. Film, TV series episode, Podcast, Artwork, Photograph.)

a) Film – treat the director as author.  If the director is unknown, credit someone in a similar role (e.g. producer).

b) Streaming video – treat the individual or the group who uploaded the video as the author.  The format in the reference list entry is given as ‘video’ rather than ‘streaming video.’

c) YouTube – treat the individual or the group who uploaded the video as the author.

To include a direct quote from an audiovisual source, provide a time stamp for the place in the film or streaming video etc. that the quote begins (refer to example ‘b’)


(Producer Surname, Year)


a) The film’s central thesis … (Howard, 2001).

b) The documentary profiles … (Paor & Thompson, 2018, 1:36).

c) Long-term memory is … (PsychExamReview, 2017).


Director Surname, Initial. (Role). (Year). Title [Format]. Studio / URL


a) Howard, R. (Director). (2011). A beautiful mind [Film]. Universal Studios.

b) Paor, B., & Thompson, J. (Directors). (2018). Robert Scheer: Above the fold: A profile of a legendary journalist [Video]. Kanopy. https://www.kanopy.com/

c) PsychExamReview. (2017, March 5). Long-term memory (Intro Psych tutorial #73) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK4TeETxwdM


a) Program

b) Series – if the series is broadcast over a number of years, include this information in the date element of your reference list entry (e.g. 2010-2013).

c) Single episode in series – each separate episode of a TV or Radio series will have its own title (similar to each chapter in an edited book). Include the Director and Writer in the author element of your reference list entry (or similar roles if these aren’t available).


(Author Surname, Year)


a) Julie Bishop stated … (The Project, 2019).

b) (Gunton, 2009)

c) The Queen was portrayed… (Caron & Morgan, 2019).


a) Author Surname, Initial. (Role). (Date Aired Year, Month Day). Title [Format]. TV Network.

b) Author Surname, Initial. (Role). (Year). Title of series [TV series]. TV Network.

c) Author Surname, Initial. (Role). (Date Aired Year, Month Day). Title of episode (Season No., Episode No.) [TV series episode]. In Author Initial. Surname (Role), Title of series. Production Company.


a) The Project. (2019, June 20). https://10play.com.au/theproject

b) Gunton, M. (Executive Producer). (2009). Life [TV series]. BBC Natural History Unit. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00lbpcy

c) Caron, B. (Director), & Morgan, P. (Writer). (2019, November 17). Bubbikins. (Season 3, Episode 4) [TV series episode]. In B. Caron, P. Martin, S. Daldry, J. Jarrold, P. Lowhorpe, S. Donovan, J. Hobbs, & C. Schwochow (Directors), The Crown. Left Bank Pictures; Sony Pictures Television Production UK.


a) Podcast episode – include the host in the Author element of your reference list entry. Include the episode number after the title, if available. For video podcast use [Video podcast] as the format.

b) Recording from a music album – classical work. Include the composer name as the author. In the reference list, add the name of the artist who recorded the track after the title in square brackets. Add the year the track was composed at the end of the reference if different from the publication date of the track.

c) Recording from a music album – other recordings. Include the recording artist name as the author for tracks that are not classical works. In the reference list, add the format ‘song’ after the title in square brackets.


a) (Author Surname, Year)

b) (Composer Surname, Year of Composition/Publication Year)

c) (Recording Artist Surname, Year)


a) The main factors … (Seega & Swan, 2008)

b) Mozart’s serenade … (Mozart, 1787/2001)

c) “Bird on the wire” … (Barnes & Cassar-Daley, 2005)


a) Author Surname, Initial. (Role). (Year, Month Day). Title of podcast episode (Podcast Episode Number) [Format]. In Title of Podcast. Production Company. URL

b) Composer Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of recording [Song recorded by Artist Name (if different from Composer)]. On Title of Album. Music Label. (Year of Composition)

c) Recording Artist Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of recording [Song]. On Title of Album. Music Label.


a) Swan, N. (Host). (2008, September 15). Closing the gap in a generation [Audio podcast episode]. In Health Report. ABC. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/closing-the-gap-in-a-generation/3184854

b) Mozart, W. A. (2001). Serenade in G, K.525 “Eine kleine Nachtmusik” – 1. Allegro [Song recorded by Academy of St. Martin in the Fields and Sir Neville Marriner]. On Essential Mozart: 32 of his greatest masterpieces. Decca. (Original work published 1787)

c) Barnes, J., & Cassar-Daley, T. (2005). Bird on the wire [Song]. On Double Happiness. Liberation Music.


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