13. Audiovisual material

In this chapter:  
TV or radio

a) Motion picture – indicate the format in square brackets (e.g. [Motion picture], [DVD]).

b) Streaming video – if no producer name is available, use the Account name. Use an exact date when available.

c) YouTube – if no producer name is available, use the Account name. Use an exact date when available.

For a) and b), if no producer name is available, use the director, or writer (priority in that order). If none of these names are available, treat as ‘no author’.


(Producer Surname, Year)


a) The film’s central thesis … (Grazer & Howard, 2001).

b) The documentary profiles … (Paor & Thompson, 2018).

c) Long-term memory is … (PsychExamReview, 2017).


a) Producer Surname, Initial (Role). (Year). Title [Format]. Country of Origin: Studio.

b) Producer Surname, Initial (Role) / [Account name]. (Year, Month Day). Title [Format]. Retrieved from URL

c) Producer Surname, Initial (Role) / [Account name]. (Year, Month Day). Title [Format]. Retrieved from URL


a) Grazer, B. (Producer), & Howard, R. (Director). (2011). A beautiful mind [Motion picture]. USA: Universal Studios.

b) Paor, B., & Thompson, J. (Directors). (2018). Robert Scheer: Above the fold; A profile of a legendary journalist [Video]. Available from https://www.kanopy.com

c) PsychExamReview. (2017, March 5). Long-term memory (Intro Psych tutorial #73) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK4TeETxwdM


a) Program

b) Series

c) Single episode in series

  • Each separate episode of a TV or Radio series will have its own title (similar to each chapter in an edited book). If each episode does not have its own title, follow guidelines for citing a TV or Radio program.
  • If no producer name is available, use the director, or writer (priority in that order). If none of these names are available, treat as ‘no author’.

(Author Surname, Year)


a) Campbell’s program covered issues… (Four Corners, 2004).

b) The behaviour of living things … (Gunton, 2009).

c) The Chinese Communist Party … (Robinson, 2019).


a) Author Surname, Initial. (Role). (Date Aired Year, Month Day). Title [Format]. Broadcast Location: TV Network.

b) Author Surname, Initial. (Role). (Year). Title of series [Television series]. Program Location: TV Network.

c) Episode Writer’s Surname, Initial. (Role), & Director Surname, Initial. (Role). (Year). Title of episode [Television series episode]. In Executive Producer Initial. Surname (Role), Title of series. Program Location: TV Network.


a) Campbell, C. (Executive producer). (2011, February 9). The 7pm project [Television program]. Melbourne, Australia: Network TEN.

b) Gunton, M. (Executive producer). (2009). Life [Television series]. United Kingdom: BBC Natural History Unit.

c) Robinson, L. (Producer). (2019, June 3). Tremble and obey [Television series episode]. In S. Neighbour (Executive producer), Four corners. Retrieved from www.abc.net.au/4corners/


a) Podcast – For video podcast use [Video podcast]. Provide the URL for the podcast homepage, rather than the direct URL.

b) Recording from an album (i.e. music). Format types include [CD], [MP3], [Record]. In-text, include the side, band, or track number. If copyright and recording dates are different, include both in-text.


a) (Author Surname, Year)

b) (Author Surname, Copyright Year/Recording Year, side/band/track no.)


a) The main factors … (Seega & Swan, 2008).

b) “Bird on the wire” … (Cohen, 1968/2005, track 16).


a) Author Surname, Initial. (Role). (Year, Month Day). Podcast Title: Subtitle [Format]. Retrieved from URL

b) Songwriter/Composer Surname, Initial. (Copyright year). Title of recording [Recorded by Artist Initial. Surname (if different from Songwriter)]. On Title of Album [Format]. Place of Recording: Music Label. (Year of Recording if different to copyright year)


a) Seega, B. (Producer), & Swan, N. (Presenter). (2008, September 15). Closing the gap in a generation [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/rn/healthreport/

b) Cohen, L. (1968). Bird on the wire [Recorded by J. Barnes & T. Cassar-Daley]. On Double Happiness [CD]. Albert Park, Victoria, Australia: Liberation Music. (2005)


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