
Digital-first design


Adopting and Applying Digital-First Design

From the literature:

Pre-empting your own reflection on digital-first learning design you are encouraged to explore the two examples below for ideas and inspiration.

Example 1

In a large and busy central London university the course lecturer Chaudhury, (2023) describes a storytelling approach to sharing content online using MS Sway as the communication tool. This approach replaced some/most of the online ‘lecture’ creating an asynchornous learning experience. Although not focusing on asynchronous student-student interactions it is a good example of stepping into digital-first design, using a new tool and constructing content for higher student engagement.  The author commented:

This “digital-first” approach, referring to the fact that the education model was designed to be delivered without in-person interaction if required, meant that many of the engagement problems that MOOCs face were relevant here as well (Chaudhury, 2023, p. 216).

Example 2

During the COVID pandemic three leading USA universities (MIT, Stanford, Harvard) developed independent digital-first approaches to online learning and then came together to share and reflect on these experiences. This article (Dede & Lidwell, 2023) discusses the possible emergence of a next-generation model for massive digital hybrid learning based on experiences and developments.

The Harvard experience shares:

The default format of instruction changed from hour-long face-to-face courses to short-form digital content with flexible opportunities for interaction. Digital-first experiences move beyond transferring face-to-face instructional strategies to an online format (a PDF of the classroom) to instead building on the many short-form digital assets created by Harvard during the pandemic. Hybrid experiences can draw on multiple modalities to personalize learning to students’ preferred approaches (Dede & Lidwell, 2023, p. 2).

Your Reflection

How will you combine strategies and elements into the learning design process in order to enable digital-first design?

Think about this in your context and in consideration of the support and collaboration provided in your institution:

  • Where are you on the digital-first scale? Not at all – Somewhat – Getting there – Completely
  • What is your usual process for designing learning? Can the elements and strategies be integrated into this process?
  • Which of the elements and strategies will you consider adopting? e.g., consider the element of ‘Teacher Presence’ for asynchronous learning and what technology you have available to apply this.


Chaudhury, P. (2023). Asynchronous learning design—Lessons for the post-pandemic world of higher education. The Journal of Economic Education54(2), 214-223. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220485.2023.2174233

Dede, C., & Lidwell, W. (2023). Developing a next-generation model for massive digital learning. Education Sciences13(8), 845. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13080845



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