
An Evidence Based Approach

An Evidence Based Approach

Evidence Based Practice at UniSQ

UniSQ Library’s culture of evidence based practice has informed our work around the UN SDGs. Evidence based practice means engaging in “a structured process of collecting, interpreting and applying valid and reliable research and evidence to support decision-making and continuous service improvement”.[1] Our approach is one which seeks to incorporate evidence, values, and reflection into our professional practice and decision-making. This has supported an ongoing exploration of how we can use the UN SDGs as a framework for reflecting and reporting on Library activities and impact.


Evidence, values, & reflection

Emilia Bell (Coordinator, Evidence Based Practice)

UniSQ Library has a strong and intentional commitment to evidence based practice (EBP), positioning this as a “visible, embedded and valuable part of professional practice”.[2] One way that the Library helps to facilitate and carry through this commitment is with an Evidence Based Practice Coordinator role, which has been in place since 2017.

It is through continuing to develop a culture of evidence based practice that new approaches to evaluating Library services, such as with the UN SDGs, have taken place within UniSQ Library. Further, by encouraging sharing, exploration, and experimentation, UniSQ Library promotes reflective practice as an integral part of EBP.

An evidence based and a reflective mindset supports our approaches to decision-making, continuous service improvement, and the values that drive this. By bringing evidence, reflection, and values together we can embrace new ways of collecting, appraising, and sharing evidence and to consider whose voices, perspectives, and values are reflected in this.[3] As we engage with the SDGs as a framework, bringing in student voices and new approaches to reflection and storytelling, we consider not only the role that evidence plays in highlighting our contributions to sustainability, but the diverse values and experiences in the stories communicating this.

  1. Howlett, A., & Thorpe, C. (2020). Applied and conceptual approaches to evidence-based practice in research and academic libraries. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries, 30(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.18352/lq.10320
  2. Howlett, A., & Thorpe, C. (2018, July 30 - August 2). 'It's what we do here': Embedding evidence based practice at USQ Library [Paper presentation]. Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, Gold Coast, Australia.  http://eprints.usq.edu.au/id/eprint/34729
  3. Bell, E. C. (2022). Values-based practice in EBLIP: A review. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 17(3), 119-134. https://doi.org/10.18438/eblip30176


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