Task 1: Where are you from?
Where do you feel at home? Create your own map of the countries you’ve visited and the place you call home by following these steps:
** You can return to this page to check the instructions above if you forget them by clicking on the tab.
- Go to the website VisitedPlaces
- On the right-hand side, under ‘Quick Templates’ select ‘Globe with Continent Focus.’
- Under the column ‘Visited’ select the countries you have visited.
- Under the column setting, click the drop-down ‘My home is’ and select the place you call home.
- Under the column ‘Share, download and embed,’ within the ‘Download’ section, click on the icon for PNG or JPEG.
- For the following task “Reflection” below, write your answer in the box.
- Click on the next slide to export your answer.
- Insert the image you downloaded in the document after a document has been exported .